And the Winner is…

Firstly, I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who entered my ‘little thank you giveaway’ recently. And likewise, a big thank you to anybody who reads, comments on or follows my little beauty blog, I really appreciate each and everyone of you lovely people! 

But now onto the winner….

Congratulations to

Elaine Stokes! 

I’ve sent you an email so once you get back to me with your postal address details, I will be able to get the bracelet sent out to you!

Please don’t be disappointed if you didn’t win this time because (hint, hint) there may well be more giveaways coming up very soon! 😉 I have a few milestones approaching that are definitely worth celebrating! 

Hanna Rose aka Miss Beauty Saver xox

2 Replies to “And the Winner is…”

  1. Congrats to the winner! x

    L'Oreal Lash Architect 4D

  2. I like your pretty blog, I'll be back more often =)
    I saw we're following each other on Bloglovin', do you want to follow each other on GFC?
    Let me know so I can follow you back.
    Kisses, Ana

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